Pick Of The Week: Pete & The Pirates


Oh, what fun I had when I put this album on! It captured my heart immediately. It's got energy and intimacy and great songwriting, three things that don't often come in the same package. Do yourself a favor and don't pass on this one, its a keeper. They're from Reading, England (and yes, the lead singer really is named Pete) and they're on the festival circuit overseas right now. Let's all buy records, show lots of love and maybe they'll come and visit us here in the U.S! Tell a friend! Pete And The Pirates - One Thousand Pictures: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site


"Must Have Been Love" for Roxette & The Big C


It was a dream assignment when The Big C writers created an episode with a 1990 high school reunion in it - how fun to visit my favorite musical era and come up with a key hit song! And then more good news, the directors of this episode turned out to be Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck! I first became a fan of theirs when I saw Half Nelson, a film they wrote and directed. Then I caught their film Sugar when it showed at Sundance a couple years ago, and they spoke and took questions afterward. You might have also heard some buzz on their recent film It's Kind Of A Funny Story. They're hot and it's well-deserved! So I was extremely excited to work with them. They do everything as a team, including answer emails, it was so cute! We talked about tons of ideas for the highschool reunion dance scene, and Crowded House was very close to making the cut but in the end everybody liked Roxette the best. Roxette - It Must Have Been Love: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site

I love how the closing song works, it was a very serendiptious find as the lyrics reflect exactly what Cathy is going through when she finds Sean missing. Vib Gyor is a band from Leeds, England, they broke up after they released this album (sad!) but you can read about their new project on their official site, see below.

Vib Gyor - Take Cover: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site


The Big C Reaches For "Heights Of Diamond"


I've already blogged about how much I love this solo album by Adam Haworth Stephens (of Two Gallants) so I'll just say it was a thrill to land "Heights Of Diamond", one of the best songs on the record, in a closing spot on a Big C episode! Read my earlier blog praising this album here. The episode title is "A Little Death" and it first aired on Showtime on August 22, 2011.

Also in the same episode, local LA favorite Jeremy Little's song "This Time I'll Get It Right" plays during the first scene where Adam meets Poppy (played by indie goddess Parker Posey!)

Adam Haworth Stephens - Heights Of Diamond: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site

Jeremy Little - This Time I'll Get It Right: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site


Big C Fans: Just "Breathe Slow"


High expectations, family squabbles, kitchen disasters, odd friends, weird food, The Big C Thansgiving episode does bear a strong resemblance to my childhood Thanksgivings! But we didn't have such good music to wrap up Thanksgivings at my parent's house ... closing out his second Big C episode is Alex Cornish with a message that we all could make use of on holidays and on a daily basis! Alex's music was previously featured in last season's episode where Cathy is seen stashing away future gifts for her son Adam (Who didn't cry at that scene?) and can be found on The Big C soundtrack. The song "Breathe Slow", featured as Cathy's Thanksgiving comes to a somber end, is even more soulful and intimate than the song we featured last season. If you're not a fan yet you will be now! Alex Cornish - Breathe Slow: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site

If you're curious about the groovy tune that Andrea and Lee (as well as the turkey) danced to on Thanksgiving Day, that is a soul group from the unlikely site of Iowa City, known as (you do need to take a breath on this one!) The Diplomats Of Solid Sound featuring The Diplomettes.

The Diplomats Of Solid Sound featuring The Diplomettes - If You're Wrong (I Don't Want To Be Right): Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site



Pick Of The Week: Holcombe Waller

You hear his voice and suddenly the last few singer-songwriter records you liked get a lot less memorable. He's got one of THOSE voices. The lyrics measure up to the voice and the production is understated but elegant. He runs his own indie micro-label out of Portland, I'm asking you, what is not to love about Holcombe Waller?

Holcombe Waller - Into the Dark Unknown: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site

The Big C & Cathy are "Still Alright" via Adam Merrin of The 88


Ever since I first heard this song over three years ago I've felt that it should be heard closing out a TV show - well, sometimes it takes awhile to make it happen! It was worth the wait though, to hear "Still Alright" by Adam Merrin in this moving episode of The Big C, when Cathy happily discovers that her cancer treatment is working. I first met Adam as a member of one of my favorite bands, The 88, and he remains an integral part of The 88 today, while also keeping his solo career active.

Adam Merrin - Still Alright: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site

Pick Of The Week: Diamond Rings


This is bedroom pop at its finest - not in the sense of bedroom lo-fi, complete-with-tape-hiss production, but because the feelings expressed are so intimate and open-hearted that I can only picture these vocals being crafted in the privacy of a bedroom. If you like Her Space Holiday and/or Stephen Merritt, and perhaps have a secret yen for Pet Shop Boys, this is the new release for you.

Diamond Rings - Special Affections: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site

PS I recommend starting with track 3, the first two tracks get better upon repeated listening, but if you are hearing this album for the first time then those tracks aren't the most accessible.

Pick Of The Week: Figurines


When I think of Denmark, I think of  "Hamlet", one of my favorite Shakespeare plays. But now I have a new Danish icon that is equally brilliant, edgy, and thoughtful, with the added benefit of harmonies and cheery melodies, yay! Meet Figurines via this brand new video of three songs filmed live in their hometown of Copenhagen earlier this year, which makes its debut right here on bravenewworld.net! Figurines lives set via Vimeo

Figurines live set via YouTube

and, they'll be on the East Coast (of the U.S.) touring in a couple of weeks, lucky East-Coasters!

Figurines - Figurines: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site


The Big C Is OK With Lenka


Outwardly, she may appear to be just another wispy female vocalist. But with heroes such as The Beatles, The Kinks (her new album was recorded in the Kinks' studio in London), and Bjork (she worked with Bjork producer Guy Sigsworth on much of the album), plus a history with indie band The Decoder Ring it's obvious that she can't be categorized quite so easily. I've field-tested her music and its immediately loved by everyone from my best friend's toddler to my most cynical indie music snob friends, so I think she's onto something! Her song "Everything's Okay" closes out The Big C episode titled "Cats & Dogs" airdate (7/25/11), and can be found on The Big C Soundtrack, of course!

Lenka "Everything's Okay" - The Big C Soundtrack: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site


Pick Of The Week: Tom Vek


I'm slightly obsessed with Tom Vek's music. Perhaps because he keeps such a low profile, in the U.S., anyway. Or maybe its because he spent 5 years (5 years! Is he independently wealthy?) making record #2. I pretty much figured he gave it up. But here it is, just as promising as the first album, all edgy and angsty and mysterious, not quite rock, not quite pop, not quite electro, dark and fun at the same time, how does he do that? Tom Vek - Leisure Seizure: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site

Picks Of The Week: Barbie Hatch & Chad Valley


On this long weekend, two short records are intriguing me. Simply put, I wish they were longer! It's not the type of music I normally gravitate to, which would be lo-fi and ultra-modern. They're both a little bit electro, a little bit 70's, maybe even a little bit disco. Barbie Hatch works with the Squeak E. Clean/N.A.S.A. tribe in Los Angeles, and she sings with an authenticity lacking in so much electro-pop these days, with simple passionate lyrics and a rich production style. Chad Valley (the vision of Hugo Manuel, not a guy named Chad) hails from Oxford, England and is part of a loose collective of artists known as Blessing Force. Hugo also has a band project called Jonquil. Both these EP's were a chill accompaniment to my July 4th holiday, so enough talking, go enjoy! Barbie Hatch - Hypertrophic Heart: iTunes :: Official Site

Chad Valley - Equatorial Ultravox: Amazon :: iTunes :: Official Site

Pick Of The Week: James Vincent McMorrow


It's true that this is not a new album -- it came out in January. But I haven't found much else this year that I've loved as much as this album. I keep going back to it time and time again when I need to hear something well-written, gorgeously performed, tastefully produced ... and then theres the James Vincent McMorrow voice. Rank it up there alongside Antony Hegarty of Antony & The Johnsons or Justin Vernon of Bon Iver. Blissful. James Vincent McMorrow "Early In The Morning": Official Site :: Amazon :: iTunes

The Big C Soundtrack Benefits Cancer Research


Yeee-ha! My first TV series soundtrack as music supervisor, AND it is a benefit for cancer research. What could be better? Better would be if I could put many of my favorite bands on the soundtrack. Oh wait, that happened! Delta Spirit, Modest Mouse, Franz Ferdinand, Oh Land, Lenka, Buddy, Leftover Cuties and more! 100% of Sony Music's, Sony Pictures' & Showtime's net profits will benefit Stand Up To Cancer, a very worthy non-profit initiative which is a program of the Entertainment Industry Foundation. Stand Up To Cancer raises funds to accelerate groundbreaking, collaborative cancer research and utilizes the entertainment industry's resources to rally the public in support of the cause.

The Big C Soundtrack: Official Site and preview :: Amazon :: iTunes


Pick Of The Week: The Big C Soundtrack

In stores now! I have been incubating this soundtrack with Sony and Epic for months now and its birthday is finally here. Since I curated the soundtrack personally, many of my favorite bands are on here like Delta Spirit, Oh Land, Modest Mouse, Franz Ferdinand, Leftover Cuties, Buddy, and some new artists you will be pleased to discover. When you buy the soundtrack, you support cancer research because Sony Music, Sony Pictures and Showtime will donate 100% of their net profits from The Big C soundtrack to Stand Up To Cancer.

Good soundtrack, good cause, what are you waiting for?

The Big C Soundtrack: Official Site and preview :: Amazon :: iTunes

PS I've also been music supervising Season 2 of The Big C already, coming to Showtime on June 27th!

Pick Of The Week: One AM Radio


Okay, its not your Summer anthem album, to play at top volume during your crazy parties. And I don't even know if it would be good for long road trips. But for sitting outside your abode on a warm summer night with your significant other, maybe by the pool (if you have one), with a couple of mojitos or a bottle of white wine, this is the album. It will melt out into the night with its little glitchy sounds and warm vocals and turn the evening magical and memorable. And, repeat. Pass the wine bottle, please. One AM Radio "Heaven Is Attached By A Slender Thread": Official Site :: Amazon :: iTunes

Stornoway at The Troubadour, Jun 5


Sometimes its hard to leave the sofa on a Sunday night. But I knew this show would be worth it, and I was not disappointed. It helps that it was at The Troub, the best venue in town. It should have been billed as "Stornoway and the mini-orchestra" since a cello, a triangle, a trumpet, and a saw all made appearances throughout the night. Brian Briggs' voice was the highlight of it all, so lovely and soothing, I could listen to it for hours. And he told stories about the songs, and talked to the audience and was charming and funny the way good lead singers should be. Bring your peppy rhythms and your adorable Oxfordshire accents back anytime, Stornoway. Stornoway "Beachcomber's Windowsill": Official Site :: Amazon :: iTunes

Pick Of The Week: Upcoming June concerts by Antlers, Tune-Yards and more!


Even if you've been to as many live shows as I have, you can still get excited about the June concert calendar which will bring The Antlers, Stornoway, Tune-yards, Swervedriver AND The Mountain Goats all to Los Angeles within 22 days. I think most of these are national tours so even if you're not in LA, your local venues should be filled with good music soon. The Antlers at the El Rey: Fri, Jun 3

Stornoway at the Troubadour: Mon, Jun 5

Swervedriver at the Echoplex: Sun Jun 19

Mountain Goats at the El Rey: Thu Jun 23

Tune-yards at the Troubadour: Sun Jun 25

And then we'll rest!

Pick Of The Week: The Kills


I just want to know how it went down in the studio when Allison Mosshart told her producer and band partner James Hince "Let's do a little waltz with a plinky piano sound and some strings." Huh? Wait, what about our signature dangerous-sounding guitars and your emotional screaming vocals? It's these kind of unexpecteded little twists that make The Kills (and their new album) just so damn cool. And don't worry there's still plenty of electric guitar and snarly vocals, in fact Ms. Mosshart is sounding more sultry and velvety than ever without giving up a bit of her edge. Blood Pressures has a slow but steady pace, you can't zip through, I actually find it hard to have on 'in the background'. It's art, dammit, pay attention. The Kills "Blood Pressures": Official Site :: Amazon :: iTunes

Gaga For Ladies Night on Castle


Two awesome female singers were featured in Castle's "Pretty Dead" episode - one has millions of fans and the other you can say you were among her first. A beauty pageant dance number clearly called out for Lady Gaga "Born This Way" as the opening song right before the poor dead girl was discovered. Close to the end of the episode, a touching tribute to the victim was accompanied by Laura Browne Sorenson's "I Will Think Of You". This episode first aired on May 9, 2011.

Lady Gaga "Born This Way": Official Site :: Amazon :: iTunes

Laura Browne Sorenson "I Will Think Of You": Official Site :: Amazon :: iTunes